“You’re Not Tired. You’re Uninspired.” And Other factors you have no idea are sabotaging your fitness goals.

We may have all the right information about healthy eating, exercise, the right supplement recommendations and the best fitness coach in the entire world, but sometimes, even these things aren’t enough to propel you into acing that ideal weight. Damn it! What more do we need? In this post will reveal things that are unconsciouslyContinueContinue reading ““You’re Not Tired. You’re Uninspired.” And Other factors you have no idea are sabotaging your fitness goals.”

13 Minute Easy Yoga For Beginners

Hello everybody, this is an easy yoga for beginners. Expect some spine focused rolling and stretching. Best to on the first hour of walking up. Am not a licensed yoga instructor. Can’t afford yet! But this is my personal practice am sharing to you. You can join and give it a try, if you like.ContinueContinue reading “13 Minute Easy Yoga For Beginners”